MiLA (Multi-Discipline Integrated Local Application) is a suite of software solutions designed for professionals in the construction industry, offering comprehensive tools for structural, geotechnical, and mechanical design, as well as infrastructure solutions​.

MiLA offers multiple software products, including:

  • MiLA Structure for reinforced concrete analysis and design
  • MiLA Steel for steel structure design
  • MiLA Geo for geotechnical solutions
  • MiLA MEP for mechanical and electrical design
  • MiTS2 for comprehensive infrastructure solutions​

MiLA offers both online (Zoom) and offline (physical training) options for various software packages. Sessions are limited to 5 participants, and registration is required.

Yes, you can request a free demo with our technical engineers here.

Our pricing range between 3k - 30k USD depends on package. We may seem expensive on paper (price list/website), but our offers make our prices more affordable.

The price is high but there is some discount for new companies / startup, existing MES & MiLA users.

MiLA provides customer support via phone and email during business hours (9 am – 6 pm UTC+8). You can also find additional resources, such as video tutorials and knowledge base articles, on the website​.